Top 5 Designer tips to designing your kitchen

Top 5 Designer tips to designing your kitchen

The kitchen is the heart of the home, a place where we not only cook but we spend time socialising, playing and spending time with family and friends. When designing your kitchen, it is important for the design to be aesthetic but most importantly it needs to be functional. Kitchen interior design needs careful consideration, so here are my top 5 designer tips to design your kitchen.


Although there are some beautiful examples of some stunning kitchens with the perfect layouts like the images below, sometime we don't have the space to create a layout with such a flow. It's important to not be put off by this, these kitchens are stunning but that doesn't mean yours can't be too. We have a tricky layout with our kitchen at home, the layout is the main reason for ripping out our kitchen to start again so I have included a layout of the current design and a layout of how we plan to have our new kitchen.

Kitchen layout design

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Blanc Marine Living

Ashley Montgomery Design

The golden rule in designing your kitchen layout is the triangle between the fridge, the sink and the oven/hobs. In our kitchen we have our fridge in a sperate area where it will be staying. Although our kitchen doesn't fall into this triangle, it still works for us and moving it would take up space without benefiting us enough. My biggest frustration with out current kitchen is not enough worktop space around the hobs so this has been the main focus of the design, I have swapped the sink and dishwasher around to give more worktop space to the right near the hobs whilst still keeping plenty of worktop space to the left with the breakfast bar. Lastly we will be relocating the oven to give us a the opportunity to have a high oven without blocking the view when you walk into the kitchen.

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Overall Look And Feel

When designing your kitchen, like with any space, it's important to focus on the overall look and feel your wish to achieve. Take the time to look through pictures online or take note of anything you like about family and friends kitchens. Although some may feel out of reach or ambitious, take note of any finishes you like, colour schemes or cabinets Tyler's. This will really help when you come to design your kitchen.

kitchen design

Jouge Studio

Hunter Interiors

Anthology Creatives

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Colour Schemes and finishes are really important when designing a kitchen. If you are a huge fan of colour then by all means go ahead and go for it with your kitchen colours. But if like me, you prefer to keep it toned down, then I personally think you can't go wrong with a neutral, greens or blues. For me these colours are timeless and as your kitchen is a huge investment of money and a big commitment to a colour. If you still wish to add in colour, accessories with funky plates or glasses to bring some personality or even some bold artwork.

kitchen design colour schemes

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Chris Loves Julia

Mcgee and Co

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Appliances or gadgets may not be your favourite part of your kitchen but they are essential. If like me you like to keep your worktops clear or clutter such as toaster, kettles or smoothie makers then add in a cupboard to store all or your appliances away. Although a big investment with your kitchen, you can also replace your kettle with a hot tap, not only does it reduce the clutter, it also saves time. Hiding away your appliances is become more popular so include a built in fridge/freezer, dishwashers and if required washing machines too.

Lewis Alderson and Co



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Clever Storage

As I said above some clever storage can come in handy to keep your worktops clear of any unwanted items on your worktops. I will personally be including a large cupboard for all of our appliances like this design by Humphrey Monsoon. We are fortunate to have an area to create a pantry area but if your tight with space but swoon over organised pantry, this corner cupboard pantry an be a great way to give you the best of both worlds. Don't forget, you can also look to include extra storage solutions for the inevitable items such a brooms, mops or even the hoover.

kitchen storage

Humphrey Munson

Sigma 3 Kitchens


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